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    PC Pilot - Issue 155 - January-February 2025

    Dodał: 0dayddl
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PC Pilot - Issue 155 - January-February 2025
PC Pilot - Issue 155 - January-February 2025
English | 86 pages | PDF | 115.9 MB

PC Pilot magazine is the biggest-selling flight simulation magazine in the world. From the most detailed instrument-only simulator to fast-paced combat sims and everything in between, it's your one-stop shop for Flight Simulation! Each issue features reviews of the latest simulation software, new stand-alone programmes, add-on aircraft, plus scenery and utility software for Microsoft's Flight Simulator series and other commercial simulations.

Published bi-monthly, PC Pilot is produced by experienced flight simmers and real life pilots and features tutorials on air combat, GA flying, airliner flying and regular flight. In addition, PC Pilot also carries interviews with publishers and developers within the industry and assessments of flight control hardware and articles dealing with technical PC issues aimed at both the beginner and the more experienced simulation flyer.

Regular features include:

• The latest flight simulation news from around the world
• Reviews of the latest simulation software
• Interviews with publishers and developers within the industry
• Features on 'home-built' GA and airliner cockpits
• Advanced flight tutorials and training
• Beginner's guides and technical advice
• Events guide

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