Strona Główna » Czasopisma » Park Home & Holiday Living - January 2025

    Park Home & Holiday Living - January 2025

    Dodał: 0dayddl
    Wyświetleń: 1
    Коmentarzy: 0

Park Home & Holiday Living - January 2025
Park Home & Holiday Living - January 2025
English | 116 pages | PDF | 115.0 MB

Park Home & Holiday Caravan magazine is the UK's only consumer magazine for potential and existing residents of park homes. The magazine was designed in 2012 with a renewed focus on promoting the lifestyle on a park. Many residents highlight the benefits of living in a park home, namely the low maintenance of the property, the community spirit, proximity to amenities and the minimal hassle. These and other advantages are promoted to encourage and guide people, especially moving from 'bricks and mortar' into a park for the first time. For existing residents, there will still be advice on refurbishment, gardening tips, new model homes profiles, park visits and essential legal advice.

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