Black and Neurodiverse: "The intersectionality of being Black and Neurodiverse" - ...
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Black and Neurodiverse: "The intersectionality of being Black and Neurodiverse" - [AUDIOBOOK]
mp3 | 72.26 MB | Autor: Oluseyitan Ojedokun | Rok: 2023
Insight into the life of a Neurodiverse Black girl from the Midlands, as she embarks on her journey through the UK school system. This book unveils and highlights the unique experiences of neurodiverse people of colour and the many challenges they face. In this book, 24-year-old, British-Nigerian, Oluseyitan Ojedokun gives an account of her struggles through school. She shares the many dreams and goals she had, despite the feeling of constant dismay.
Category:Biography, Peoples & Cultures - Biography, Peoples & Cultures - General & Miscellaneous - Biography
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